These Phrases Kill Connection

These Phrases Kill Connection

Stop using these phrases; they kill connection...

“Everything happens for a reason”

“They are better off now”

“It is always darkest before the dawn”

“Time heals all wounds”

“There are a lot of fish in the sea”

“Things could be worse”

Remember, this holiday season, you don’t need to make it better. Instead, try something like this…

“Ugh. That sounds like it was tough.”

“I don’t know what to say, but I want to let you know that I care and I’m sorry”

“Wow, tell me more about _____”

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Holidays are unwieldy, grinding days for the grieving

Holidays are unwieldy, grinding days for the grieving

Holidays are unwieldy, grinding days for the grieving. And this year is riddled with pain: tens-of-thousands dead, lost jobs and crumpled dreams, ruined relationships, murdered Black bodies. So much loss. We were not made to bear this alone. Take a moment to consider who you know that has encountered loss. Write down their names. Then, reach out with a text or a call. Drop off a plate of food.

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