Post-Election Empathy

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Leaders, today is a good day to check in with your people.

Because some of them are still riding a wave of joy and relief, of exultation at the first woman (a Black and South Asian woman!) elected on an executive ticket. After four years of tension in the body and spirit, they are (probably) feeling relief and hope.

And some of your people are experiencing grief. Grief occurs when we have unrealized expectations. These people are (probably) feeling some measure of fear, of resignation, of despair.

Take time to ask, to listen, and to offer the support of your presence. If you don't know what to say or feel yourself rushing to a rash response, instead reply with "Tell me more".

As President Elect Joe Biden reminded us on Saturday, there is a time for everything under the sun.

For some, this is a day to rejoice. For some, a day to grieve.

For you, as a leader, it is a day to pay attention.