What is a good, next step for you right now?

What is a good, next step for you right now?
  • I'm too empathetic - it's exhausting sometimes!

  • I know that if I ask them how they are doing, it's going to be a whole thing

  • You don't understand - they enjoy being stuck in drama (or sadness)

These are some of the reservations that I hear from clients.

And their apprehension comes from real life experiences.  Perhaps you've been there too, as the conversation seems to get stuck in an emotional morass.

Especially at work, this can be difficult for managers and coworkers to navigate.  Which leads them to avoid conversations about disruptive life events entirely.

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"This is a great country" - Seeing through different eyes

"This is a great country" -  Seeing through different eyes

I was reminded, through the eyes and story of Abdurrahman, that some of the best of who we are-and-can-be as people is to be people who are kind, who create opportunities for others, who extend a welcome and reach out with care.

Whether that is to a stranger, to a coworker, or to a person that lives in your home - each movement of kindness matters and helps to co-create communities that we all want to be a part of.

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How an Anonymous GI Saved my German Grandmother - An Empathy Story

How an Anonymous GI Saved my German Grandmother - An Empathy Story

And while we can’t, ultimately, know who we would be until we are in the moment, I know that empathy and kindness and courage don’t emerge from a vacuum. These traits are forged (or not) in a hundred small moments.

Moments where it would be easier to turn away, to just keep going in the other direction or onwards with the task instead of caring for the person.

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What to say...

What to say...

The reality is, in the working world, you are (probably) going to have to continue to be in contact with people who vote differently than you do. 

And, I get it, you might be so emotionally flooded right now that curiosity and relationship seem out of reach.  However, I encourage you not to burn bridges.  The way that people change their minds is through relationships with real people who think differently than they do. 

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