What if Valentine's Day feels awful? Help for the Holidays.

About a decade ago, in that bleary-eyed age of parenting where the children are all skinned knees, snuggles, and snotty-noses,

I struck up a friendship with a single mom - our boys shared scissors and a kindergarten table.

And, in the dimensions of our friendship, I realized how some days on her calendar felt like an ambush.

Valentine's Day and Mothers' Day were both particularly hard,

Reminders that her reality did not fit neatly onto a Hallmark card.

And maybe that is you, this year, as you tilt into February 14.

This was the year of the break-up, the death, or the deep loneliness - and today is a reminder of the disruptive life events and the world that is not-how-you-want-it-to-be.

I hope you have some good people around you, ones that can look up from their own plans or chocolates to give you a hug, a coffee, or just a listening ear.

Because it is hard to see sheen of a slickly-packaged holiday and feel like you are alone.

And, perhaps, it is a good reminder to peer beyond the dimensions of your own story - who is someone, in your life at home or at work, who might be having a desolate day?

Reach out with a funny meme, a text, a chocolate bar. It doesn't have to be perfect. Just something like this,

"I'm glad you are in my life."

"I'm thinking of you today, I know it might be hard."

"Just a little something to brighten up your day"