Winter Revelations


Winter reveals a new landscape.

This is a familiar stretch of woods. I’ve run here for years; I know the hidden tree roots and the winding ridge lines.

But yesterday, the woods were somehow new. The crowded underbrush is gone and the land opened itself to me, stripped of leafy distractions.

Like the earth itself, we are laid bare, exposed by pandemic job losses, dead neighbors, festering racial prejudice, and a crumbling public discourse. Nowhere to hide.

And yet, there is a clarity of vision that can come in the barren seasons.

More than ever, I “see”

1). The importance of community; we need each other as the isolation and losses pile up
2). I need rest; the unrelenting drive to produce is not (and has never been) sustainable
3). The need for humility; my perspective as a middle-class white woman is constantly being challenged and nuanced (and that is a good thing!)

What is being revealed to you this winter?