Not "Business As Usual"


People are bringing the trauma, the outrage, and the exhaustion of yesterday's breach of the Capitol into your morning meeting. It is not just business as usual.

Here are some openers that meet the moment:
- "Yesterday was hard for me; I spent almost an hour doom-scrolling and I still feel angry. How are you holding up?"

- "The news cycle was exhausting to watch last night and I'd just like to check in and see where we are as a team. I'm feeling ______, how about you?"

- "After the chaos of yesterday, I think it is more important than ever to take a moment to check in with each other. I'll start, I'm feeling _______"

Really listen when people share; resist the urge to "fix" someone else's emotion. Some people won't want to/be able to share, and that is OK too.

And remind people of your EAP program and any other internal supports that exist.

Leadership, connection, and safety are built in days like today.