Go Gently


He died of COVID yesterday afternoon. I haven’t seen him in years, but Bruce loomed large in the lives of people I love.

How am I feeling today? Well…

Last night, I pulled out my hidden stash of Christmas chocolate and ate ALL of the remainder while watching loud Beyonce videos on my phone.

This morning, I spilled my coffee everywhere while arguing over something trivial with my partner.

And I totally forgot about a client call at 10 AM.

Our actions and the input from our bodies (I’m tense in my shoulders and my stomach is churning) can lead us back towards our feelings. I didn’t realize how affected I was by his death...which is somehow linked to all the other losses of the year.

I’m feeling sad. And frustrated. And overwhelmed.

So, I asked for grace from my client and apologized to my husband and am trying to take it easy today.

The news this year hits hard; don’t forget that there is more to a given interaction than meets the eye. Go gently with yourself and others.