Alcohol, Self-Soothing, & the Coronavirus: an interview with David Mills

David Mills

David Mills

Alcohol sales are booming nationwide as we look for ways to feel better about the world and about ourselves.  David Mills is a recovering alcoholic, journeying into sobriety during a pandemic.  “There are ways to live into the parts of yourself that you don’t love yet without dulling your senses.”  He offers wisdom and insight for the parts of yourself you feel like you can’t fully live with right now.     

You can find the Handle with Care podcast on Google Play, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify. And you can listen to the episode here:

Here are three reflections after my conversation with David:

  1. If you know someone that is living with alcoholism or walking a journey of sobriety, reach out and check in with them.  Social support is especially important for David…and sometimes people in his support network have to reach out more than once.  Practice persistence in your care. 

  2. David has been directing his energy into creative outlets like woodworking and reading books that take him to other places.  How can you funnel your feelings into pursuits that are creative and life giving?

  3. Who you are with alcohol is not the most interesting part about you.  There is deep wisdom in this reflection. Whether it is alcohol or another coping mechanism to escape pain, remember that you are more than that behavior and that there are other ways to address the pain. 

David in his workshop

David in his workshop