Convalescing and COVID


My 11 year old tested positive for COVID two weeks ago. He’s been convalescing in the above-the-garage bedroom and the rest of us are making do.

And here are a few observations on what support looks like during quarantine...

1). Meal deliveries are the best! Send groceries, deliver take-out, make chili…

2). Fresh flowers truly brighten up a long winter and a pandemic

3). Texts and calls make me feel connected to a wider community. “Consider me someone you can vent to,” offered a friend

4). Real mail is my love language. If you know someone stuck at home, this low-tech solution can be really meaningful

5). The Carmel Clay School District is excelling; from teachers to their contact tracing, I could not be happier about the generous, attuned men and women that are carrying our family through this season.

Do you know someone at home due to quarantine? Send a funny meme, make a call, schedule a meal drop off. Your support matters.