Mental Health: 2020 Healthcare Trend


Mental health matters in your workplace.  It is one of the most important factors identified in Springbuk’s Employee Health Trends 2020 Report.  Nearly 1 in 5 employees have a mental health condition. 

Mental health issues take a toll on productivity and presence…and they are expensive.  Claims for medical and prescriptions are more than twice what it costs for those without a mental health condition.

What can you do in the face of this costly trend?  EAPs and online counseling are helpful (albeit under-utilized) tools but workplaces can and should do more. 

“Social support is the most powerful protection against becoming overwhelmed by stress and trauma,” writes renowned physician and researcher Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk.  Workplace empathy training equips your workplace to be a place that consistently offers empathy and support when it matters most. 

Let’s put together a roadmap for 2020; it might be one of the most important investments that you make for the health of your organization. 

What has been your experience with mental health in the workplace? 

Also, read you can find the Employee Health Trends 2020 report here: